01 Dec 2015 – Design, Interior Architecture and Audiovisual Documentation Research Laboratory // PUBLICATIONS IN SCIENTIFIC JOURNALS WITH JUDGES 2015 // PRESENTATIONS AT JUDGES AND PROCEEDINGS 2015 // BOOKS 2015
Collaboration of the Department with the Research Laboratory of Design, Interior Architecture and Audiovisual Documentation with publications in peer-reviewed scientific journals, with presentations at peer-reviewed conferences and proceedings. Finally with participation in a book entitled Office Spaces: A History of Interior Architecture.
Georgiadou, Z., Frangou, D., & Marnellos, D. (2015). Xenia Hotels in Greece: Modern Cultural Heritage, A Holistic Approach. Journal of Civil Engineering and Architecture, 9(2),130-140. doi: 10.17265/1934-7359/2015.02.002
Georgiadou, Z., Frangou, D., & Marnellos, D. (2015). Hotel Furniture in Greek Modernity: “Xenia” and “Amalia” Hotels cases. Journal of Tourism Research, 10 (A 2015), 25-57. Retrieved from http://jotr.eu/pdf_files/V10.pdf
Georgiadou, Z., Frangou, D., & Chatzopoulos, P., 2015. The pattern of mass tourism and the relationship with local resources. The pattern of endogenous development. Journal of Tourism Research, 11 (B2015), 102-114. Retrieved from http://jotr.eu/pdf_files/V11.pdf
Georgiadou, Z., Frangou, D., Marnellos, D., 2015. Hotel Design: A path for Qualitative Tourism. Journal of Tourism Research,12 (C 2015),105-130.Retrieved from http://jotr.eu/pdf_files/V12.pdf
Georgiadou, Z., Frangou, D., & Chatzopoulos, P. (2015). The Development of a touristic model in luxury hotels in Greece: the case studies of Amalia hotels. In: Gospodini, A. (ed.), Changing Cities II – Spatial Design, Landscape and Socioeconomic Dimensions. Porto Heli, Peloponnese Greece, Jun 22-26, 2015. Athens: Grafima publications (1531–1543).
Georgiadou, Z., Frangou, D., & Marnellos, D., (2015). Hotel Furniture in Greek Modernity: “Xenia” and “Amalia” Hotels cases. In: Laloumis, D. (ed.). 5th International Conference on Tourism and Hospitality Management, Athens, Greece, Jun5-7, 2015. Athens: TourismResearchInstitute(22-49).
Fragou, D., Georgiadou, Z., & Marnellos, D., (2015). The experience of accommodation as a means of highlighting the architectural Cultural heritage. 1st International Congress of Experiential Tourism, Santorini, 9-10 Oct. 2015. [under publication]
Georgiadou, Z., Frangou, D., & Chatzopoulos, P. (2015). The pattern of mass tourism and the relationship with local resources: The pattern of endogenous development. In: Laloumis (ed.). 5th International Conference on Tourism and Hospitality Management. Athens, Greece, Jun 5-7, 2015. Athens: Tourism
Research Institute (303-315).
Fate, M. (2015). From the opulence of the luxurious and the arrogance of the unnecessary to the moral demand of the minimum necessary – Pictures of living in the old Athenian houses of the 19th century by Aris Konstantinidis. 1st Panhellenic Conference of the Faculty of Arts TEI of Athens on Aesthetics and Ethics, Athens, June 12-13, 2015. [sub-edition]
Moira, M. & Makris, D. (2015). Experiencing Urban identity through novels-inspired digital navigation. 1st International Conference on Experiential Tourism, Santorini, Greece, Oct 9-11, 2015. [in press]
BOOKS 2015
Georgiadou, Zoe, (lead author, editor), Klonizakis, Aristides, Fragou, Dionysia, Moira, Maria, Ilias, Panagiotis (co-authors) (2015). [Electronic, multimedia academic journal, “Kallipos” action, act “Reform of curricula – Development of higher education educational material”] Athens: Greek Electronic Academic Journals: SEAB (Association of Hellenic Academic Libraries), ETET (National Network of Research and Technology) and ELKE NTUA (Special Account for Research Funds of the National Technical University of Athens).