Author: nrigakis


Ο πολυβραβευμένος Διευθυντής Φωτογραφίας και επί πολλά χρόνια στενός συνεργάτης του αείμνηστου σκηνοθέτη Θόδωρου Αγγελόπουλου, Γιώργος Αρβανίτης, αναγορεύθηκε επίτιμος Διδάκτωρ του Τμήματος Φ.Ο.Τ. του ΠΑΔΑ σε ειδική τελετή που έλαβε χώρα στο Συνεδριακό Κέντρο Αρχαίου Ελαιώνα του Πανεπιστημίου Δυτικής Αττικής,την Τρίτη 4 Απριλίου 2023

Ο Γιώργος Αρβανίτης μίλησε με τα πιο θερμά λόγια για την δουλειά του και για τους συνεργάτες του και ευχαρίστησε το ΠΑΔΑ για την εξαιρετική τιμή που του έκανε


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Έκθεση του λευκώματος μας In Visible Presence,lecture and performance at the Format international photography festival.

Design / Curation of Exhibition Catalogue: Jiménez López Silvia, Violeta Wyns Rodríguez, Eva Katsaiti, George Mahias, Stathoulis Vasso, exhibition video, Utube video Stathoulis Vasso, Design / Curation Album Alexios Alexiou, Eva Katsaiti, George Machias, Stathouli Vasso.



Inter-university internship program for HEI final students, from Departments of the wider audio-visual sector, with the aim of creating a series of short documentaries to be shown on the Parliament Channel (Student publications). The selection of students, the support of the six-month production cycle and the development of the program are done with the input of experienced university professors (affiliate professors).


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The student Emilios Giannisis-Verbogt, who prepared his thesis entitled “Picrodaphnes” – a short film with theoretical support – under the supervision of Maria Lafi, took part in the following Film Festivals
Athens International Digital Film Festival ADFF
Panorama of Short Films of the Society of Greek Directors.



Published: 2023-01-23

The third volume of Design | Arts | Culture is dedicated to “Image and Memory”.

If images are embodied in pictures, we should also acknowledge that “a picture is worth a thousand words”. This commonplace quotation suggests that images contain more information than texts and that the pieces of information provided by images are more easily processed and understood by any observer.

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Collaboration of our Department with the institutionalized ISMA Research Laboratory of the Department of Industrial Design and Production Engineering. The topic of the Research is new ways and methods of recording information in the repair sector of the Maritime and Industry space that can be achieved with Unmanned Aircraft Systems. Associate professor Anastasia Markidou and Lecturers Pavlos Symeon and Aristides Tsinaroglou will participate from our Department in the part of video and photography that the unmanned systems will have.
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January 2022. Project “A neighborhood is looking for likes” which brought together students from the Departments of Photography & Visual Arts and Social Work. The aim is to investigate and raise students’ awareness of what the term “underprivileged area” means for the students being portrayed/interviewed/observed, who are asked to collect material (images, audio, spoken word, documents) related to the experiences of of people who will be selected to contribute their personal opinions and possibly story telling. ...

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Published: 2022-01-16

Following the successful launch of Vol.1 which was focused on the topic “The entrancement of Ruins”, Vol. 2 is an open-themed issue that aims to cover a broad spectrum of academic research on arts, culture and design, and explore the middle ground within the dynamic and ever–evolving interdependencies between art and artefact, human and society, identity and community, technological advancement and heritage,

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Collaboration of our Department with the institutionalized ISMA Research Laboratory of the Department of Industrial Design and Production Engineering. The topic is Research into new technologies with screens that will interact and be applied in environments such as bus stops, trams, subways and other places for the purpose of either the information requested by the public, or the interaction of an advertised product with the public. Anastasia Markidou,
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