15 Jan 1/2022 – Project “A neighborhood is looking for likes”
January 2022. Project “A neighborhood is looking for likes” which brought together students from the Departments of Photography & Visual Arts and Social Work. The aim is to investigate and raise students’ awareness of what the term “underprivileged area” means for the students being portrayed/interviewed/observed, who are asked to collect material (images, audio, spoken word, documents) related to the experiences of of people who will be selected to contribute their personal opinions and possibly story telling. Small groups of students from the Departments of Social Work and Photography & Audiovisual Arts of PADA, will approach people of different backgrounds from areas with obvious deficiencies and difficulties, recording opinions, beliefs, suggestions for improvement and visions of the people who will be invited to present to the students -researchers the everyday life of a neighborhood in public and/or private space but also of communities and groups with common interests.