2015 – DesArDo lab (Design, Interior Architecture and Audiovisual Documentation Laboratory)

2015 – DesArDo lab (Design, Interior Architecture and Audiovisual Documentation Laboratory)


The Research Laboratory of Design, Interior Architecture and Audiovisual Documentation – DesArDo lab (Design, Interior Architecture and Audiovisual Documentation Laboratory), has been operating since 2015 Official Gazette under the former name “Design and Architecture of Interiors” of the Faculty of Arts former Technological Educational Institute (TEI) of Athens now University of Western Attica”, serves the educational and research needs in the interdisciplinary approach of the knowledge objects of design, visual communication, interior architecture and their digital documentation as a single broad subject of theory and practice, in relation to the corresponding academic subjects of the undergraduate study program of the Departments of Interior Architecture, Graphic Design and Visual Communication, and Photography and Audiovisual Arts, of the Master’s Program of Studies of the Department of Interior Architecture .Architecture of Interior Spaces: Sustainable and Social Design., as well and the possible future Master’s Programs and doctoral theses being prepared, which fall within the research fields of the laboratory.