2020 – Design and publication of an international scientific journal

2020 – Design and publication of an international scientific journal


The International Journal Design | Arts | Culture is a digital open access and peer-reviewed multi-disciplinary journal, published by “Design, Interior Architecture and Audiovisual Documentation” lab of the Faculty of Applied Arts and Culture of the University of West Attica Greece in cooperation with the: Doctoral Studies of the National University of Arts Bucharest RomaniaUniversity of Nicosia Cyprus, ESAD Porto Portugal, and Academy of Fine Arts Gdansk Poland. This journal is biannual (with regular and from time to time special issues) and publishes research articles, projects and portfolios, as well as book reviews and student works. It aims to provide an academic forum for sharing and connecting ideas, projects, practices and findings about design, applied arts and culture. This journal provides immediate open access to its content on the principle that making research freely available to the public supports a greater global exchange of knowledge. This journal does not charge submission or publication fees.