Tasio Liberakis has worked with digital video since its inception. An acclaimed artist, professional and teacher, his work has been shown in numerous venues and locations. He is the author of «Digital Captives, Itineraries of the Gaze», and other theoritical texts on Semiology, Visual communication, History of Art, Audiovisual Techniques and Digital Color as well as a collection of short stories titled «The uninteruptable thread». His creative and academic interests include, the rhetoric of light, digital audiovisual media, content creation and the advancment of relevant artificial intelligence tools. Born in Thessaloniki he studied at the Department of Mathematics at Aristotle University, at the school of Journalism, Communication and Performing Arts at Marquette Univerity in the USA. And holds a D.E.A. in Sociology of Communication and Information Sciences from the department of Social Sciences at the Jussieu University, in Paris, France.