Vaxevaneri Olga

qode interactive strata
Faculty Members

Assistant Professor




Olga Vaxevaneri is an assistant professor at the department of Photography and Audiovisual Arts of the University of West Attica.  She graduated from the Department of Graphic Arts of the School of Graphic and Artistic Studies, of the Technological Educational Institute of Athens. She continued her studies in the field of Photography in Parson’s School of New York, a subdivision of the New School for Social Research University. During the period she spent in NY, she followed the course of Photojournalism in the International Center of Photography of New York (I.C.P) and she also attended an educational program for video and film making in the Film and Video Arts School of NY (F.V.A). Afterwards she got a MSc – Master of Science in Interactive Multimedia, University of Westminster, United Kingdom.                                      She wrote many articles concerning Photography and her photos were published in international magazines and newspapers. She has participated in many photographic exhibitions and has managed to οrganize many remarkable personal exhibitions. She was one of the established members of the scientific team attended to investigate recording and photography the churches and the chapels at the island of Lemnos   18th – 19th beginning of century, for the book edition “Churches and Chapels of Lemnos, History, Architectural and Interior Design, 18th-beginning of 20th century), published from “Nea Synora-A.A. Livani”.