Career, Liaison & Innovation Office


The Department of Liaison (Education-Production), Mediation and Innovation (DLMI) of the Student Affairs Department of the University of West Attica, in the context of its activities, indicatively:

  • Facilitates and systematizes the communication of students/graduates with interested companies for finding internships/work placements – both in Greece and abroad.
  • Provides information on postgraduate studies, scholarships, qualifying examinations, training seminars, professional rights.
  • Organizes information workshops, career days, exhibitions.
  • Monitors through studies the career paths of graduates and the trends and prospects on the labour market.
  • Provides individual and group counselling services for drafting a CV, covering letter, preparation of selection interviews and the possibility of administering psychometric tests.
  • Implements mentoring activities.


For more information about the Liaison, Mediation and Innovation Department (Liaison Office) visit our new website and indicate your preference on our social networking page on Facebook Liaison, Mediation & Innovation Department UNIWA.


We welcome anyone who would like to benefit from our services at the Liaison, Mediation & Innovation Department daily 9:30-16:30 at the Ancient Eleonas Campus, Conference Centre, Room 4.